If you’re a marketer who’s gotten your hands on some awesome video content, you have to make sure that you’re showing it to as many customers as possible! Check out these 7 pro tips for leveraging that content to drive more traffic to your videos:1) Host videos directly on your websiteHosting videos on your website is critical to ensuring that customers are finding your site before they find Youtube. Youtube can be incredibly useful as a marketing tool, but getting the customers that are interested in your content to your website is much more impactful to your bottom line. Additionally, video hosting lets search engines know that your site contains relevant rich media, which also improves your ranking.2) Carefully choose your keywordsIn order to efficiently optimize with keywords, you need to first understand your customers and what they are searching for. Once that’s determined, plug those keywords and phrases into video titles, file names, descriptions, and tags to ensure that customers searching for those terms find your site.3) Attach video transcriptsAttaching a video transcript for every video is yet another way to add more of the keywords that your customers are searching for. This strengthens your keywords by adding more references and also broadens your search net through the use of other text that wasn’t included anywhere else. In order to boost visibility even more, add the transcript in the description of the video and along with the HTML for the page.4) Create relevant metadataMetadata is critical for building upon your keywords to further improve your SEO. Moreover, the metadata containing your website’s description is often displayed by search engines, which means that quality data will lead to more clicks.5) Construct a video sitemapA video sitemap provides search engines with the information and organization that they need to easily crawl your site for relevant search results. It’s important to make sure that your sitemap is continually updated as you add new content.6) Utilize adaptive streamingAdaptive streaming is a technology that allows video dimensions and frames per second to be determined by the user’s screen size and device speed. This ensures that your video is always being shown at it’s highest possible quality without buffering, which is crucial since site performance plays big a role in SEO ranking.7) Create engaging, shareable, and likeable contentCreating quality content directly leads to more inbound links and citations, which all play huge parts in your ranking. Plus, if you’re squandering the opportunity with video by creating boring content- you’re doing it wrong! Entertain...Engage...Convert!